Resources for Natural Resources
Title | Available As | Summary | Date | ID | Author |
Growing American Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) in Forestlands | Jan 13, 2011 | 354-313 | |||
Water Rights & Ethics: Who Really Owns the Water? | Jan 22, 2025 | 4H-1034-AP | |||
The Effects of Mineral Dissolution on Water Quality | Acid-base reactions and the concept of pH are critical concepts in chemistry, environmental sciences and Earth science. First, students will present hypotheses of whether the pH will increase or decrease when calcite or pyrite are dissolved in water. Second, in a facilitated activity, students (in groups) will dissolve pyrite and calcite in water and measure the pH after the minerals dissolve. Third, they will hypothesize what happens to the pH when they mix the pyrite and calcite together (in water). Fourth, they will then test their hypotheses by mixing them and measuring pH. Fifth they will discuss if their results support their hypotheses. Last, they will expand what they learned in the experiments to how minerals can be used in water treatment. |
Nov 8, 2023 | 4H-1024NP | ||
Planting and Managing Switchgrass for Forage, Wildlife, and Conservation | May 1, 2009 | 418-013 | |||
Exotic Invasive Plants | Invasive exotic species are plants that are not native to
a given area and have the ability to out-compete indigenous
plant species. Invasive exotics are often brought
into their non-native surroundings by humans with
good intentions. |
Apr 29, 2020 | 420-320 (CNRE-105NP) | ||
Sustaining America's Aquatic Biodiversity - Freshwater Snail Biodiversity and Conservation | Six hundred fifty different species of snails are
widely distributed across the streams, rivers,
and lakes of North America. There are unique
species associated with every type of aquatic habitat
from the Canadian Arctic to the Everglades of
Florida. |
Nov 5, 2019 | 420-530 (CNRE-76P) | ||
What Is a Watershed? | This publication defines watersheds, why they are important to everyone, and how people positively and negatively impact them. |
Sep 11, 2023 | 426-041 (SPES-2P) | ||
Invasive Plants -- A Horticultural Perspective | Apr 28, 2009 | 426-080 | |||
Poison Ivy: Leaves of three? Let it be! | Jun 26, 2023 | 426-109 (SPES-510P) | |||
Using Compost in Your Landscape | Mar 13, 2021 | 426-704 (SPES-304P) | |||
A Glossary of Water-Related Terms | May 1, 2009 | 442-758 | |||
Water Reuse: Using Reclaimed Water for Irrigation | Water reuse can be defined as the use of reclaimed water for a direct beneficial purpose. |
Aug 29, 2018 | 452-014 (SPES-1) | ||
Options for Clearing Land: Pasture Establishment | Mar 2, 2022 | 465-341 (CNRE-136P) | |||
Enterprise Budgets for Trout Production in Idaho | Feb 8, 2021 | AAEC-276NP | |||
The Effects of Regulations on the U.S. Shellfish Industry: Pacific Coast Findings | Jun 16, 2021 | AAEC-285NP | |||
The Effects of Regulations on the U.S. Shellfish Industry: California Findings | Jun 16, 2021 | AAEC-286NP | |||
The Effects of Regulations on the U.S. Shellfish Industry: Washington Findings | Jun 16, 2021 | AAEC-288NP | |||
Consider Logging Residue Needs for BMP Implementation When Harvesting Biomass for Energy | Utilization of woody biomass for energy has increased
substantially in Virginia. While there are a number of
definitions for biomass, woody biomass from forest harvesting
operations typically refers to logging residues
such as limbs, tops, and other unmerchantable material
that would otherwise be left behind on-site after the logging
operation is complete. Logging residues are typically
chipped and then transported to facilities where
they are used for fuel. Biomass harvesting in Virginia
most commonly occurs on integrated harvesting operations
where roundwood and biomass are harvested and
utilized at the same time in a single operation. |
Dec 13, 2019 | ANR-108NP | ||
Virginia Citizen’s Guide to Environmental Credit Trading Programs: An Overview | Apr 22, 2022 | ANR-173P (AAEC-291P) | |||
New market idea: Selling woody materials from landscaping projects to craft industry | Jun 30, 2021 | ANR-215NP | |||
What is a Virginia Master Naturalist? | Jun 8, 2022 | ANR-242NP | |||
Whitethorne Agroforestry Research and Demonstration Site at Virginia Tech’s Kentland Farm | Jul 17, 2017 | ANR-277 | |||
A characterization of large-scale swine production and manure generation in Virginia counties and cities located within or outside of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed | Feb 14, 2023 | APSC-182P | |||
Mitigation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Agriculture | In this publication, information is presented on how to
increase farm productivity while potentially reducing
greenhouse gas* (GHG) contributions from agricultural
production. Some of the practices may be familiar
to many producers, such as building soil organic matter
(SOM) or increasing nitrogen fertilization efficiency,
but many producers may not know that these same productivity-boosting activities also help to reduce GHG
emissions and their impact on climate change. While
informative to the producer, this publication will also
inform those with an interest in both agriculture and
the environmental impact of GHG emissions on the
atmosphere. |
Apr 3, 2019 | BSE-105 (BSE-251P) | ||
Greywater Reuse | Greywater is any household wastewater other than that used for toilet flushing.
This water could be reused around the home (for purposes other than drinking
water). An example of greywater use is landscape irrigation. Wastewater that
comes in contact with human waste is referred to as blackwater. However, the
definition of greywater varies according to state regulations. |
Jan 6, 2025 | BSE-114NP (BSE-267NP) | ||
Using Reclaimed Water | Reclaimed water, sometimes referred to as “water reuse” or “recycled water,” is
water recovered from domestic, municipal, or industrial wastewater treatment
plants that has been treated to standards that allow it to be safely used for
designated purposes. Reclaimed water should not be confused with “wastewater,”
untreated liquid industrial waste or domestic sewage. However, “gray water,”
untreated water from bathing or washing, is considered one form of wastewater
(Water Reuse, VCE Publication 452-014).
The level of treatment and disinfection reclaimed water receives is dictated by its intended (and permitted) use. Many states encourage and promote the use of reclaimed water to conserve freshwater supplies and preserve rivers, streams, lakes, and aquifers.
Jan 6, 2025 | BSE-115NP (BSE-266NP) | ||
Rainwater Harvesting Systems | Rainwater harvesting is the process of collecting, storing, and later reusing rainwater
from surfaces such as roofs. Rainwater harvesting has long been used for agricultural
irrigation and as a source of drinking water, and allowed ancient civilizations to flourish
in semi-arid and arid regions. Rainwater harvesting systems are in use today in many
water-limited locations, especially in several western US regions. As population growth
increases pressure on water resources in the more humid eastern US, rainwater harvesting is
being considered to reduce the demand for potable water. |
Jul 23, 2019 | BSE-116NP (BSE-265NP) | ||
Hydrology Basics and the Hydrologic Cycle | This fact sheet presents and explains some common concepts in hydrology and the hydrologic cycle. The science or study of hydrology focuses on the distribution, occurrence, circulation, and properties of water in the environment. |
Nov 4, 2020 | BSE-191P | ||
Soil and Soil Water Relationships | This publication presents and discusses concepts that are fundamental to understanding soil, water, and plant relationships and the soil water balance.
Knowledge about soil water relationships can inform the decision-making process in agricultural operations or natural resource management, such as determining what crops to plant, when to plant them, and when various management practices should be scheduled. Understanding these concepts is useful for addressing both agronomic and policy issues related to agricultural water management. |
Mar 1, 2021 | BSE-194P | ||
Using Groundwater for Agricultural Irrigation in Virginia | Virginia usually receives ample rainfall to support agriculture, but droughts in 2002, 2007, and 2010 led to severe problems for farms in many regions.
Using groundwater for irrigation can help manage drought risks on farms without access to ponds or streams. However, installing groundwater wells can be expensive and time-consuming. The amount of water obtained from wells can vary in different regions of the state. This bulletin is intended to provide agricultural producers with information on technical and regulatory issues related to irrigating with groundwater. |
Jun 22, 2023 | BSE-215P (BSE-353P) | ||
Soil Moisture Sensors for Agricultural Irrigation: An Overview on Sensor Types | Jul 21, 2021 | BSE-338P | |||
Scheduling Agricultural Irrigation Based on Soil Moisture Content: Interpreting and Using Sensor Data | Aug 10, 2021 | BSE-339P | |||
Best Management Practice Fact Sheet 16: Step Pool Stormwater Conveyance | Sep 3, 2021 | BSE-341P | |||
The Socrates Project - Poisonous Plants in Virginia | Jun 29, 2018 | CNRE-13NP (CNRE-21NP) | |||
Total Employment on Logging Operations Based on a Survey of Virginia Loggers | Jan 30, 2022 | CNRE-140NP | |||
Appreciating Uncertainty in Timber Cruising | Forest inventory (timber cruising) is a common activity used to quantify the resource. The data collected are used to form statistical estimates of a variety of important characteristics; however, these estimates are uncertain due to sampling. Confidence intervals are a relatively simple statistical tool that can help managers quantify this uncertainly and make more informed management decisions. This article explains confidence intervals, provides an example of their use, and discusses their management implications. |
Jul 18, 2024 | CNRE-180P | ||
Virginia Master Naturalist Basic Training Course: Ichthyology | Oct 8, 2019 | CNRE-73P | |||
Woodland Health Practices Handbook | Dec 13, 2022 | CNRE-109NP | |||
Managing Human-Wildlife Interactions: Coyote (Canis latrans) | Because of the coyote's versatility, adaptability, and its current wide distribution throughout Virginia, the likelihood of encountering a coyote is real. Thus, residents of the Commonwealth should become more aware and informed about the traits and behaviors of this species to avoid undesirable interactions. This publication provides basic information about the coyote, its expected and normal behaviors and other life history aspects, and suggestions on how to minimize or avoid problems that can arise from our interactions with this fascinating creature. |
Aug 15, 2023 | CNRE-172P | ||
Education, Outreach, and Interpretation for Virginia Master Naturalist Volunteers | Virginia Master Naturalist volunteers are well-positioned to help more people of all ages and backgrounds to have regularly occurring, meaningful experiences in nature that meet their personal interests and needs. As volunteer educators, they may provide interpretive talks, lead interpretive walks, develop interpretive brochures and signage, and give formal presentations. The foundation for all of these forms of education includes knowing one's audience; planning topics, themes, goals, and objectives; background research and preparation; communicating clearly; and evaluating. This publication describes these key concepts and provides step-by-step guidelines for planning interpretive programs and other educational interactions. |
Feb 22, 2024 | CNRE-174P | ||
Prediction Equations: Intuition and Implementation in Forestry | Regression techniques are widely used in forestry to predict difficult-to-measure tree characteristics. Despite their widespread applications, there is often a hesitancy to use them due to a perceived complexity. Further, these techniques are often misused. This extension publication introduces linear regression in an approachable, applied manner. The goal is that interested landowners and forestry professionals will consider using regression in their work and will have the knowledge to better critique published equations. |
Nov 12, 2024 | CNRE-184P | ||
Guide to Threatened and Endangered Species on Private Lands in Virginia | This publication explains how landowners can determine if threatened and endangered animals, plants, or insects are present on their land. It also identifies who to contact, if present, to determine if forest management activities could have a negative impact on these species. Finally, it includes information on a number of voluntary programs private landowners can participate in. These programs facilitate active forest management while protecting threatened and endangered species. |
May 3, 2024 | CNRE-24NP (CNRE-178NP) | ||
The Nutrient Value of Straw | The mature and dried stem, leaves, and chaff remaining after barley and wheat are harvested is known as straw. Many farmers around Virginia harvest straw by baling in small bales, large round bales, or large square bales that range in weight from 40 to 1,000 lbs. plus per bale. |
Jun 19, 2015 | CSES-126NP | ||
Applications of PXRF for Pedology, Agronomy, and Enviromental Quality Assessment | Oct 31, 2022 | CSES-186V | |||
Large and Unusual Insects Found in Virginia | Several different insects are found in Virginia that cause concern due to their large size and coloration. They are for the most part harmless and just curiosities of nature. |
Mar 2, 2021 | ENTO-148NP (ENTO-419NP) | ||
Fall Cankerworm | Cankerworms are also known as inchworms, loop worms, and spanworms - this is credited to their distinctive way of moving. In order to travel, a cankerworm must grab leaves or
branches with its front legs and then pull the rest of its body forward.
This causes the abdomen area to contract and gives the worm the
appearance of arching its back. |
Feb 5, 2021 | ENTO-223NP (ENTO-404NP) | ||
Jumping Worms (Amynthas spp.) | May 24, 2023 | ENTO-427NP (ENTO-559NP) | |||
Non-biting Midges | Mar 3, 2021 | ENTO-438NP | |||
Buprestid Beetles and Flathead Borers | Mar 4, 2021 | ENTO-441NP | |||
Red Imported Fire Ant Farmer Self-Inspection Checklist | Mar 8, 2022 | ENTO-493NP | |||
Pollinators in the Out-of-Play Areas of Virginia Golf Courses | This extension publication presents information on how out-of-play areas serve as pollinator-friendly habitats in golf courses. This project also introduces information on the remote sensing approach to monitor the plant health status of this out-of-play areas. |
Aug 9, 2023 | ENTO-564NP | ||
Converting pastures to native warm season grasses: Summer forage and wildlife habitat in Caroline County | Mar 5, 2021 | SPES-308NP | |||
2021 Virtual Eastern Shore Agricultural Conference and Trade Show | Mar 12, 2021 | SPES-312NP |
How to Evaluate a Tree | May 19, 2021 | SPES-313P | |||
Hurricane Preparedness for Turfgrass Systems | Jul 20, 2021 | SPES-340NP | |||
2021 Eastern Shore AREC Interactive Research Field Day | Oct 8, 2021 | SPES-359NP | |||
Basic melon (Cucumis melo L.) physiology and morphology | Understanding the fundamental aspects of melon physiology and morphology is essential for optimizing its cultivation, improving yield, and enhancing fruit quality. This document provides a concise overview of the key physiological and morphological characteristics of the basic melon plant, highlighting its growth and development processes. The physiological aspects encompass various essential factors that influence melon growth, including photosynthesis, water relations, nutrient uptake and assimilation, and hormone regulation. Melon plants exhibit distinct physiological responses to environmental stimuli such as light, temperature, and water availability, which directly impact their growth, flowering, and fruiting. An understanding of these physiological processes aids in implementing appropriate cultivation practices and management strategies for maximizing melon productivity. |
Jun 9, 2023 | SPES-507NP | ||
VCE Ag Today: Timber Market Update | Jul 5, 2021 | VCE-1027-50NP |