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Resources by J.B. Daniel

Title Available As Summary Date ID Author
Creating Silvopastures: Some Considerations When Thinning Existing Timber Stands
Silvopastures intentionally integrate trees with forage and livestock production in a rotational grazing system. These systems have the potential to improve animal comfort, increase farm resource use efficiency, boost income, and mitigate environmental costs.
Apr 20, 2021 CSES-155P
Creating Silvopastures: Some Considerations When Planting Trees in Pastures
Silvopastures — integrated tree-forage-livestock production systems — have the potential to boost farm resource use and income. These systems take advantage of the beneficial interactions among system components, add biodiversity, and increase animal comfort. The intentional and careful combining of trees and livestock in time and space can yield both short-and long-term returns and have positive environmental outcomes.
May 1, 2023 CSES-185P
Converting Pastures to Native Warm Season Grasses: Forage for Drought in Bedford County Mar 31, 2020 SPES-196NP
Converting pastures to native warm season grasses: Summer forage and wildlife habitat in Caroline County Mar 5, 2021 SPES-308NP
Converting pastures to native warm season grasses: Filling the summer forage slump in Orange County
A farmer's experience of converting a tall fescue field into native warm season grasses for improved forage production in the summertime.
Aug 11, 2023 SPES-514NP
Converting pastures to native warm season grasses: Alternative summer forage for cattle in Orange County
A farmer's experience of converting a tall fescue field into native warm season grasses for improved forage production in the summertime.
Sep 7, 2023 SPES-519NP
Native warm season grass variety trial, 2021-2023
Native warm season grasses may provide valuable forage resources for farmers in the summer months, while also providing habitat for wildlife, among other conservation benefits. This report provides the results of a three-year forage yield variety trial of 20 different cultivars and ecotypes of native warm season grasses at five different locations in Virginia.
Dec 1, 2023 SPES-562NP
Demonstrating conversion of tall fescue pastures to native warm season grasses
Native warm season grasses may provide farms with summer forage and improved animal performance, while also providing habitat for wildlife species. This paper describes the conversion process of a tall fescue-based pasture at the Southern Piedmont AREC to native warm season grasses. Subsequent beef cattle performance on this pasture was compared to cattle performance on nearby novel-endophyte tall fescue pastures, indicating the potential for good animal performance in the summer on these grasses.
Jan 4, 2024 SPES-573NP