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Title Available As Summary Date ID Author
Cucumber Beetles Apr 30, 2020 2808-1009 (ENTO-368NP)
Cucumber Beetles Apr 30, 2020 2808-1009 (ENTO-368NP)
Potato Aphid on Tomatoes Mar 29, 2019 2901-1031 (ENTO-308NP)
Japanese Beetle
The Japanese beetle is found throughout Virginia and in most of the Eastern United States. In regions west of the Mississippi it is found in isolated pockets. Japanese beetles were first found in New Jersey in 1916 and have spread from that point since. The Japanese beetle has been well established in Virginia since the early 1970’s.
Sep 2, 2022 2902-1101 (ENTO-514NP)
European Hornet
European hornets (Vespa crabo) are large, stout bodied insects. They have a painful sting, but do not appear particularly aggressive or vicious unless defending their nest. European hornets are nocturnal and attracted to lights at night. They sometimes girdle the twigs and small branches of thin-barked trees and shrubs to feed on plant sap. European hornets are frequently mistaken for the northern giant hornet, which has only been reported from a small area in Washington State or across the border in British Columbia.
Dec 7, 2023 2911-1422 (ENTO-576NP)
Twig Girdler/Twig Pruner
These beetles cause very conspicuous damage in late summer. The leaves on large numbers of twigs and branches will be observed to turn brown prematurely. These twigs and branches sometimes fall from trees in great numbers and accumulate. On close examination, the twigs have one of two kinds of damage. Twigs damaged by the twig girdler are cut as neatly as by a knife. The cut end has been gnawed almost straight across with a faint rounding and is slightly roughened by the chewing. The twig girdler is more commonly found on pecan and hickory. The twig pruner causes a slightly different type of cut. The twig will be observed to have a hollowed out space at the cut end filled with sawdust like frass. The twig when split open will have a long tunnel through most of its length. The twig pruner is more commonly found on oak.
May 1, 2020 2911-1423 (ENTO-374NP)
Virginia Pine Sawfly
The Virginia pine sawfly has been recorded from New Jersey and Maryland to North Carolina and westward to Illinois. Its main hosts are Virginia and shortleaf pines, but it also feeds on pitch and loblolly pine.
May 1, 2020 2911-1424 (ENTO-375NP)
The Minute Pirate Bug (Orius)
Minute pirate bugs, particularly Orius insidiosus, are vital biological control agents for managing herbivorous insect pests. These small, predatory insects prey on a range of soft-bodied pests including thrips, mites, and aphids, making them crucial for natural pest suppression in a variety of agricultural settings. Orius are especially attracted to flowering plants, which makes landscape-level strategies like farmscaping—such as planting hedgerows, insectary plants, and cover crops—highly effective in boosting their populations. Producers and homeowners can protect and encourage these beneficial insects by minimizing broad-spectrum pesticide use and integrating pest management practices that support their habitat, thereby leveraging their natural predatory capabilities to reduce pest densities and enhance the health of crop plants.
Oct 8, 2024 3002-1437 (ENTO-598NP)
Baldfaced Hornet
The baldfaced hornet is a large, black and white hornet up to 1 inch (25.4mm) in length. It is black and white in color with a mostly white head or face. It is widely distributed in Virginia. The nests are constructed of the same paper-like material as that of other wasps (yellowjackets). They differ a great deal from other wasp nests in being enclosed in a thick "paper" envelope. There is a single opening at the lower end of the nest and a few hornets always guard this. Nests are always abandoned at the end of the season. Hymenoptera, Vespidae: Dolichovespula maculata (L.)
Mar 6, 2020 3006-1449 (ENTO-352NP)
Leaf‐ Footed Bugs Dec 21, 2010 3012-1522
Flour and Grain Beetles Jan 12, 2022 3101-1577 (ENTO-469NP)
Corn Earworm on Vegetables
Corn earworm is a pest of multiple agricultural crops grown in Virginia, including vegetables. These pests have a wide host range and can cause extensive damage, but monitoring and a variety of control methods help suppress populations and prevent losses.
Oct 21, 2024 3103-1537 (SPES-624NP)
Cabbage Looper
Cabbage looper frequently shows up as a pest in cole crops in Virginia. Herein contains information regarding it's biology and management recommendations.
Oct 4, 2022 3104-1544 (ENTO-519NP)
Celery Leaftier Mar 25, 2022 3104-1545 (ENTO-496NP)
Grasshoppers Dec 21, 2021 3104-1550 (ENTO-483NP)
Hornworms in Home Gardens May 31, 2023 3104-1551 (ENTO-561NP)
Imported Cabbageworm in Home Gardens Dec 13, 2017 3104-1552 (ENTO-253NP)
Insect Pests of Potatoes in Home Gardens Dec 13, 2017 3104-1553 (ENTO-256NP)
Onion Thrips May 1, 2020 3104-1556 (ENTO-370NP)
Pepper Weevil Jun 6, 2022 3104-1558 (ENTO-507NP)
Raspberry Crown Borer Dec 22, 2021 3104-1561 (ENTO-473NP)
Rose Scale Apr 22, 2022 3104-1565 (ENTO-501NP)
Stalk Borer Dec 22, 2021 3104-1567 (ENTO-477NP)
Tarnished Plant Bug Apr 25, 2011 3104-1568
Whitefringed Beetles May 6, 2020 3104-1571 (ENTO-379NP)
Carpenter Ants
Carpenter ants can be found outside on trees and sidewalks and indoor. Where they are found determines how best to control them. Inside they can be active indoors during many months of the year, usually during the spring and summer. When ants are active in the house during late winter/early spring (February/March), the infestation (nest) is probably within the household. In late spring large numbers of foraging ants may come in from outside looking for food and may not indicate and infestation. Outside carpenter ants become active in late spring and early summer and will be seen on tree trunks and sidewalks.
Jan 20, 2022 3104-1573 (ENTO-485NP)
Lace Bugs Apr 18, 2022 3104-1581 (ENTO-500NP)
Obscure Scale
Heavily infested trees will have large numbers of scales on twigs and branches. Scales may also be found on exposed roots and on the trunk of young trees. Scale insects feed on plant sap with their long thread-like mouthparts (stylets), which are several times longer than the insect itself.
Apr 18, 2022 3104-1583 (ENTO-499NP)
Carpet Beetles Jan 30, 2022 3104-1588 (ENTO-486NP)
Droplet Chart / Selection Guide
When choosing nozzles/droplet sizes for spray applications, applicators must consider both coverage needed and drift potential. As a rule, smaller droplets provide better coverage, but larger droplets are less likely to drift.
Aug 13, 2019 442-031 (BSE-263P)
Nozzles: Selection and Sizing
This fact sheet covers nozzle description, recommended use for common nozzle types, and orifice sizing for agricultural and turf sprayers. Proper selection of a nozzle type and size is essential for correct and accurate pesticide application. The nozzle is a major factor in determining the amount of spray applied to an area, uniformity of application, coverage obtained on the target surface, and amount of potential drift.
Aug 13, 2019 442-032 (BSE-262P)
Pepper Maggot, Zonosemata electa, in Sweet (Bell) Pepper
The pepper maggot, Zonosemata electa, is a significant pest of bell pepper in eastern North America, having transitioned from its native wild host, the horse nettle, to domesticated solanaceous plants like bell pepper and eggplant. Infestation levels can be alarming, with near-total crop loss possible from a single maggot per fruit. Control methods primarily involve insecticide applications, posing challenges for organic producers. The pest has a single annual generation, overwintering as a pupa in soil. Monitoring adult populations using yellow sticky traps and oviposition scars is essential for effective management. Cultural practices such as field sanitation, crop rotation, and the eradication of alternate hosts are crucial in mitigating damage. Additionally, trap cropping with hot pepper varieties and perimeter sprays have shown success in reducing damage to bell peppers. Various insecticides are available for pre-emptive control, emphasizing the importance of monitoring to optimize application timing.
Oct 18, 2024 444-005 (ENTO-601NP)
Diamondback Moth Feb 23, 2024 444-007 (ENTO-581NP)
Colorado Potato Beetle Feb 23, 2024 444-012 (ENTO-582NP)
Fall Armyworm in Vegetable Crops
The fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda), a pest from the Noctuidae family, originates from the tropical Americas and lacks diapause, allowing it to migrate north from Gulf Coast states. This moth has been reported in all U.S. states east of the Rockies and has become a significant pest in other parts of the world. Fall armyworm larvae cause severe defoliation to a variety of plants, especially grasses, and fruit damage to crops like sweet corn, tomatoes, and peppers. Management strategies include using pheromone traps for monitoring, scouting for eggs and larvae, and promoting biological controls. Insecticides are also used, though resistance issues can arise. Effective control requires timely interventions based on thresholds to mitigate economic impact.
Oct 14, 2024 444-015 (ENTO-599NP)
Aphids in Virginia Small Grains: Life Cycles, Damage and Control
Four species of aphids attack small grains in Virginia - greenbug, corn leaf aphid, bird cherry-oat aphid, and English grain aphid.
Mar 20, 2019 444-018 (ENTO-584P)
Winter Grain Mite
The adult is relatively large compared to other spider mites and is the only mite of economic importance with the anal pore (a tan to orange spot best seen with microscope, but can be seen with a hand lens) on the upper surface of the abdomen.
May 12, 2020 444-037
Bluegrass Billbug Pest Management in Orchardgrass Feb 4, 2019 444-040
Hunting Billbug Pest Management in Orchardgrass Feb 4, 2019 444-041
Japanese Beetle in Field Corn Feb 4, 2019 444-106
Root-knot Nematode in Field Corn Feb 4, 2019 444-107
Asiatic Garden Beetle in Field Corn Feb 4, 2019 444-108
Slugs in Field Corn Feb 4, 2019 444-109
Insect Identification and Diagnosis Request Feb 27, 2020 444-113 (ENTO-196NP)
Integrated Pest Management Peanut Scouting Manual
In the competitive global peanut market, you need to lower production costs. At the same time, you also need to keep pesticide residues in peanuts to a minimum; protect rivers, streams, and lakes from runoff; and prevent chemicals from leaching through the soil to groundwater. Using IPM to protect crops only from pests that are likely to cause economic losses is a good way to meet these goals.
May 12, 2020 444-126
Identifying Soybean Fields at Risk to Leaf-Feeding Insects
This publication explains the relationship between Leaf Area Index and soybean yield potential.
Nov 28, 2023 444-203 (ENTO-565P)
Spider Mites
Spider mites (Family Tetranychidae, Order Acari) are not insects; they are closely related to spiders, harvestmen (daddy longlegs), and ticks. Unlike insects, which have six legs and three body parts, spider mites have eight legs and a one-part body. They also lack wings, antennae, and compound eyes. Individual spider mites are almost microscopic, yet when they occur in large numbers, they can cause serious damage. Dozens of species attack shade trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants.
Apr 22, 2022 444-221 (ENTO-502NP)
Tarnished Plant Bug Dec 22, 2021 444-227 (ENTO-476NP)
Cabbage and Seedcorn Maggot Mar 25, 2022 444-231 (ENTO-495NP)
European Corn Borer Feb 4, 2019 444-232
Catalpa Sphinx Caterpillar Apr 15, 2022 444-247 (ENTO-497NP)
Red Imported Fire Ant (RIFA) Dec 9, 2019 444-284 (ENTO-342P)
Cereal Leaf Beetle, Biology and Management
Cereal leaf beetle, a native to Europe and Asia, was first detected in Michigan in 1962. Since that time it has spread throughout most of the mid-western and eastern United States and has become a significant pest of Virginia and North Carolina small grains. This insect can become very numerous in small grain fields and the larvae are capable of reducing grain yield by eating the green leaf tissue.
May 12, 2020 444-350
Field Guide to Stink Bugs
Field Guide to Stink Bugs of Agricultural Importance in the United States
May 12, 2020 444-356 (ENTO-68)
Second Edition Mid-Atlantic Guide to the Insect Pests and Beneficials of Corn, Soybean, and Small Grains Dec 19, 2023 444-360 (ENTO-575P)
Managing Stink Bugs in Cotton: Research in the Southeast Region Nov 13, 2018 444-390
Using Pitfall Traps to Monitor Insect Activity Feb 4, 2019 444-416
Asparagus Beetles Sep 29, 2022 444-620 (ENTO-521NP)
Stink Bugs Sep 16, 2022 444-621 (ENTO-517NP)
Corn Earworm Biology and Management in Soybeans
Corn earworm, Helicoverpa zea, is the most common and destructive insect pest of soybeans grown in Virginia. Although infestation severity varies, about one-third of our acreage is treated annually. This costs farmers 1.5 to 2 million dollars annually, and requires the application of many pounds of insecticide to crop lands. We may never eliminate this pest from Virginia soybeans, but knowledge of the biology and use of best management practices can help limit insecticide controls to those fields that meet economic threshold criteria. This publication provides current information on corn earworm biology, prediction of outbreaks, pest advisories, scouting procedures, and recently revised economic thresholds.
May 12, 2020 444-770
2025 Pest Management Guide - Field Crops
The Virginia Pest Management Guide (PMG) series lists options for management of major pests: diseases, insects, nematodes, and weeds. These guides are produced by Virginia Cooperative Extension and each guide is revised annually. PMG recommendations are based on research conducted by the Research and Extension Division of Virginia Tech, in cooperation with other land-grant universities, the USDA, and the pest management industry.
Feb 3, 2025 456-016 (ENTO-602P)
2025 Spray Bulletin for Commercial Tree Fruit Growers
The guide contains information on pesticides used in orchards, with a seasonal treatment of when and how these materials should be employed. Efficacy information toward major fruit pests as well as beneficial species is included. The guide is black and white, but with a color photograph for the cover. It is spiral bound.
Feb 7, 2025 456-419 (ENTO-605P)
Taste of Farming: Integrated Pest Management Basics Apr 1, 2022 ALCE-296-6
Information for New Pesticide Applicators Apr 19, 2023 ALCE-307NP
Commercial Chinese Chestnut Production in Virginia
The mighty American chestnut tree (Castanea dentata [Marsh], Borkh.) was once a dominant figure in hardwood forests throughout the eastern United States. An iconic source of food, chestnuts were sold by the ton every year, until the chestnut blight nearly brought this tree crop to extinction in the early to mid-20th century.
Feb 1, 2023 ANR-279P
Poultry Parasites: Northern Fowl Mites
Northern fowl mites (Ornithonyssus sylviarum) are one of the more common ectoparasites (external parasites) that can be present in a poultry flock. This publication discusses detection, prevention, and treatment options
Oct 11, 2023 APSC-190P
Asian Longhorned Tick and Theileria Orientalis Ikeda: Current Thoughts and Understandings
This project will be used to disseminate current thoughts and understand the invasive species of Asian Longhorned Tick (ALT) and the spread of Theileria. The Asian Longhorned Tick is a new invasive species that was first found in the US in 2017 and has since spread to 19 states from the Atlantic Coast to the Southeastern region of the US. The ALT is credited with the widespread of Theileria. Theileria is a blood protozoa parasite that has had a negative impact on cattle producers across the state. This article is what we currently understand about the ALT and the spread of Theileria.
Nov 30, 2023 APSC-196P
Soybean Insect Guide
Numerous kinds of insects can be found in soybeans. Most are beneficial or harmless, but some can cause yield loss and even crop failure if not controlled.
Mar 20, 2019 AREC-68NP
Sugarcane Beetle, Euetheola humilis
Sugarcane beetle is a sporadic but serious pest of several crops in Virginia. Although an occasional pest, outbreaks can lead to substantial losses in crops and property damage. It can cause significant damage to corn, sugarcane, rice, sweetpotato, and turfgrass, and has also been reported on strawberry, cotton, rose, and wild grasses. Populations in southern states may flare to levels that become a nuisance as it gathers at light sources. Its life cycle spans one generation per year, with adults becoming active in late spring. These beetles primarily feed on plant roots and management involves cultural practices and chemical control, focusing on targeting adult beetles to reduce crop damage. Further research is needed to develop effective pest management strategies that rely less on chemical control tactics.
Jun 6, 2024 ENTO-13NP (ENTO-595NP)
Cluster Fly
Adult cluster flies are medium-sized, robust, somewhat bristly flies about 7 mm (0.3 inches) long.
Feb 2, 2021 ENTO-136NP (ENTO-410NP)
Locust Borer
The locust borer is a native insect that attacks black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) and its ornamental cultivars. Adult locust borers are conspicuous black and yellow beetles with long black antennae and reddish legs. There is a yellow W-shaped band across the wing covers with other yellow stripes.
Feb 12, 2021 ENTO-141NP (ENTO-423NP)
Galls and Rust made by Mites Nov 29, 2022 ENTO-532NP
Yellow Poplar Weevil
Rice-shaped holes about 1/16 inches result from adult feeding. Larval feeding forms mines, usually two per leaf. If they are both on the same side of midrib, one is extensive, and the other dwarfed. If the insect lays eggs on opposite sides of the midrib, both mines develop normally.
May 6, 2020 ENTO-172NP (ENTO-380NP)
Benefits of an Insecticide Seed Treatment for Pumpkin Production in Virginia
In recent years cucurbit growers in the Mid-Atlantic U.S. could purchase their seeds pre-treated with the neonicotinoid insecticide thiamethoxam. The insecticide seed treatment is currently packaged as FarMore F1400, which also includes three proven and complementary fungicides that provide the first line of defense against several key seed and seedling diseases including Rhizoctonia, Fusarium, Pythium, general damping-off and seedling blight.
Dec 21, 2015 ENTO-174NP
Spotted Lanternfly
The spotted lanternfly (SLF) originates from China where its presence has been documented in detail dating as far back as the 12th century. In modern times, it was first recorded from a sample collected in Nankin, China. SLF is native to China, India, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam. In September 2014, the first detection of spotted lanternfly in the US was confirmed in eastern Pennsylvania. SLF was first found in Virginia in 2018, and is continuing its spread in our state. The geographical range is likely to expand further. It is highly invasive and can spread rapidly when introduced to new areas. This is attributed to its wide host range (more than 70 host plant species) and a lack of natural native enemies. This insect will become a pest in vineyards and fruit plantings, in residential areas, and in logging systems.
Aug 17, 2022 ENTO-180NP (ENTO-515NP)
Hag Moth Caterpillar Jan 10, 2023 ENTO-19NP (ENTO-541NP)
Hickory Horned Devil Jan 5, 2023 ENTO-20NP (ENTO-540NP)
Mosquitos and their Control
The key to controlling mosquitoes is removing the standing or stagnant water where they live.
Dec 21, 2021 ENTO-202NP (ENTO-470NP)
Velvet Ants Jan 6, 2023 ENTO-22NP (ENTO-539NP)
Springtails Jan 6, 2023 ENTO-23NP (ENTO-538NP)
Economic Pests of Turfgrass Dec 16, 2022 ENTO-237NP
Silverfish and Firebrats Jan 6, 2023 ENTO-24NP (ENTO-537NP)
Survey of Pest Management Practices of Virginia Sweet Corn Growers – 2017 Dec 5, 2017 ENTO-248NP
Pest Alert: Spotted Lanternfly Identification and Reporting in Virginia Jul 7, 2022 ENTO-265NP (ENTO-513NP)
Corn earworm monitoring in commercial sweet corn fields in Virginia – 2017 Mar 5, 2018 ENTO-266NP
Flea Beetles Attacking Brassica Plants in Virginia Mar 27, 2018 ENTO-267NP
Flea Beetles Attacking Eggplant in Virginia Apr 11, 2018 ENTO-270NP
Possible Spotted Lanternfly Egg Mass Look-alikes in Virginia Mar 1, 2023 ENTO-276NP (ENTO-547NP)
Possible Spotted Lanternfly Immature Look-alikes in Virginia Mar 2, 2023 ENTO-277NP (ENTO-546NP)
Possible Spotted Lanternfly Adult Look-alikes in Virginia Mar 2, 2023 ENTO-278NP (ENTO-545NP)
Asian Longhorned Tick May 26, 2023 ENTO-282NP (ENTO-560NP)
Asian Needle Ant Mar 14, 2023 ENTO-29NP (ENTO-554NP)
Insecticide and Acaricide Research on Vegetables in Virginia -2018 Feb 13, 2019 ENTO-301NP
Western Corn Rootworm Feb 15, 2019 ENTO-302NP
Kudzu Bug, Megacopta cribraria, a pest of soybeans
The kudzu bug (Megacopta cribraria) is an invasive pest from Asia and first appeared in the U.S. in 2009 near Atlanta, Georgia. It has since spread to 18 additional states and the District of Columbia, threatening soybean crops. Recognizable by their mottled dark green and brown coloration, adult kudzu bugs are shield bugs that exude a pungent defensive substance when disturbed. Adults and nymphs feed on plant phloem, causing both direct and indirect damage to plants. Despite initial concerns, populations only occasionally reach damaging levels, but monitoring and management remain crucial. The kudzu bug has two generations per year, with adults emerging from overwintering in early spring. Management includes chemical control with pyrethroids and neonicotinoids, biological control with parasitoid wasps and the fungus Beauveria bassiana, and cultural control by reducing kudzu patches. Here we detail the bug's distribution, life cycle, pest status, and management strategies, highlighting the importance of ongoing vigilance and integrating management tactics.
Jul 12, 2024 ENTO-303NP (ENTO-597NP)
Brown Stink Bug in Field Corn Feb 20, 2019 ENTO-307NP
What Virginians Need to Know About the 2022 Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine Expansion Jul 7, 2022 ENTO-319NP (ENTO-512NP)
Ciclo de Vida en Virginia de Spotted Lanternfly (Mosca de Alas Manchadas) Jun 24, 2019 ENTO-320NP
Ciclo de Vida en Virginia de Spotted Lanternfly (Mosca de Alas Manchadas) Jun 24, 2019 ENTO-320NP
Residential Control for Spotted Lanternfly (SLF) in Virginia
Spotted Lanternfly (SLF) has quickly established itself as an agricultural pest, feeding mostly on grapes and fruit trees, but is also known to feed on many species of hardwoods. As a result, SLF has become a large residential pest where it is established.
Aug 9, 2019 ENTO-322NP
Control de la Mosca Linterna con Manchas (Spotted Lanternfly- SLF) en Hogares de Virginia (Residential Control for Spotted Lanternfly in Virginia)
Spotted Lanternfly (SLF) se ha establecido rápidamente como una plaga agrícola, alimentándose principalmente de uvas y árboles frutales, al igual que de muchas especies de maderas duras. Como resultado, en cualquier que SLF se ha establecido, se ha convertido en una gran plaga residencial.
Aug 29, 2019 ENTO-322S
Spotted Lanternfly in Virginia Vineyards: Lycorma delicatula (White) (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) Aug 17, 2022 ENTO-323NP (ENTO-516NP)
Mosca Linterna con Manchas (Spotted Lanternfly) en Viñedos de Virginia: Lycorma delicatula (White) (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) (Spotted Lanternfly in Virginia Vineyards: Lycorma delicatula (White) (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae)) Aug 20, 2019 ENTO-323S
Mexican Bean Beetle
This publication reviews the biology and management of Mexican bean beetle, an herbivorous lady beetle (Coccinellidae) that feeds on bean crops (legumes).
Aug 30, 2019 ENTO-326NP
Corn earworm, Helicoverpa zea, a pest of hemp, Cannabis sativa, in Virginia Sep 5, 2019 ENTO-328NP
Tarnished Plant Bug
This publication has information regarding tarnished plant bug (Lygus lineolaris) biology, identification, and management in field crop systems.
Aug 30, 2019 ENTO-329NP
Sugarcane Aphid in Virginia Sorghum Sep 12, 2019 ENTO-334NP
Managing the Asian Longhorned Tick: Checklist of Best Tick Management Practices for Horse Owners Mar 25, 2020 ENTO-348NP
Integrated Pest Management of Hemp in Virginia Mar 2, 2020 ENTO-349NP
Identification and Management of Spotted-Wing Drosophila in Virginia Berry Crops Jul 14, 2020 ENTO-387NP
Best Management Practices for Spotted Lanternfly on Christmas Tree Farms Feb 15, 2021 ENTO-402NP
Insect Identification Lab
Welcome to the Insect Identification Laboratory at Virginia Tech. The Insect Identification Lab covers all insects found in all situations and commodities in Virginia. This diagnostic lab started in 1967 and is a service for Extension Agents and Citizens of Virginia.
Oct 10, 2024 ENTO-45NP
Red Headed Flea Beetle in Virginia Nurseries Dec 21, 2021 ENTO-464NP
Potato Leafhopper Jan 12, 2022 ENTO-474NP
Avoiding Fire Ant Stings
Imported fire ants (Solenopsis invicta and its hybrids) have been found in Virginia since 1989 and are an increasing concern as they expand their range in Virginia. Imported fire ants swarm and attack aggressively when their colony is disturbed. Pheromones released by fire ants quickly alert colony members to the threat, leading to a mass attack and many stings by the defending ants. Physical reactions to fire ant venom will vary with a person’s sensitivity. Some people may require medical treatment after being stung by fire ants.
Apr 12, 2024 ENTO-481NP (ENTO-591NP)
Spotted Lanternfly Life Cycle in Virginia (Ciclo de Vida en Virginia de Spotted Lanternfly) Jul 8, 2019 ENTO-268NP (ENTO-321NP)
Redheaded Ash Borer Mar 5, 2021 ENTO-142NP (ENTO-428NP)
Emerging Tick-Borne Arboviruses: Powassan virus, Heartland virus, and Bourbon virus Mar 21, 2022 ENTO-491NP
Red Imported Fire Ant Farmer Self-Inspection Checklist Mar 8, 2022 ENTO-493NP
Identification and Life Cycle of Spotted Lanternfly in Virginia Mar 18, 2022 ENTO-268NP (ENTO-494NP)
Tick-Borne Diseases in Virginia May 16, 2022 ENTO-504NP
Box Tree Moth in the United States Oct 31, 2022 ENTO-525NP
Fire Ant Management for Livestock Producers: Hayfields and Pastures
Imported fire ants (Solenopsis invicta and its hybrids) are an increasing concern for farming operations as they expand across Virginia. To slow the spread of imported fire ants, the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and the US Department of Agriculture have set a Federal Fire Ant Quarantine over much of the southeastern portion of the state. The FFAQ does not currently include all the localities in Virginia known to have imported fire ants and will likely be expanded in the future.
Apr 23, 2024 ENTO-527NP (ENTO-590NP)
Cryptomeria Scale on Christmas Trees Mar 13, 2023 ENTO-551NP
Elongate Hemlock Scale on Christmas Trees Mar 17, 2023 ENTO-552NP
Survey of Insecticide Efficacy on Three-Cornered Alfalfa Hopper Apr 12, 2023 ENTO-555NP
Diamondback Moth Mating Disruption
Diamondback moth has become one of the hardest lepidopteran "worm" pests to control globally due to insecticide resistance. Mating disruption is an effective pesticide-free strategy for managing this pest of cabbage, broccoli, collards, and other brassica crops.
Aug 25, 2023 ENTO-571NP
Japanese Maple Scale: A Pictorial Guide for Identification
The Japanese maple scale is an armored scale, considered a key pest, causing the nursey industry significant losses due to direct injury or plant rejection. Identify JMS can be difficult due to their biology. This factsheet serves as a pictorial guide to provide key features of this insect.
Aug 24, 2023 ENTO-572NP
Hybrid Fire Ants in Virginia
Native to South America, both red imported fire ant (RIFA, Solenopsis invicta) and black imported fire ant (BIFA, Solenopsis richteri) have been found in the US since the 1930s. Imported fire ants are now widespread across the southern US and have been reported in Virginia since 1989. RIFA and BIFA hybridize and produce fertile offspring in areas of the US where both species are found. The S. invicta x richteri hybrid fire ant zone in the US includes Georgia, Alabama, central Mississippi, and Tennessee. Recently in 2022, hybrid ants were detected for the first time in Virginia in Lee County and in several nearby counties in southeastern Kentucky. Hybrid fire ants are well established in eastern Tennessee as well.
May 16, 2024 ENTO-593NP
Mixed Infection of Strawberry Mottle Virus and Strawberry Mild Yellow Edge Virus in the Southeastern United States Apr 17, 2023 HORT 268P (SPES-488P)
Emerald Ash Borer
The emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire) is a wood-boring beetle native to eastern Asia and is now considered the most destructive forest pest ever seen in North America. Since its discovery in Michigan in 2002, it has killed tens of millions of native ash (Fraxinus spp.) trees in the United States and Canada. This destruction has already cost municipalities, property owners, and businesses tens of millions of dollars in damages.
May 10, 2020 HORT-69NP
Harvest Weed Seed Control May 6, 2019 SPES-135NP
Common Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) Control in Soybeans Jun 6, 2019 SPES-143NP
Insecticide and Acaricide Research on Vegetables in Virginia -2017 Dec 17, 2018 SPES-85NP
Weed Management Planner - Before Planting Aug 2, 2023 SPES-268NP (SPES-506NP-A)
Weed Management Planner - After Planting Feb 13, 2024 SPES-268NP (SPES-570NP-B)
Protective Agriculture Production Series: Plant density recommendations Feb 2, 2023 SPES-474NP
2022 Potato Industry Status at the Eastern Shore of Virginia
This document provides an overview of the potato industry's status in 2022, including key statistics such as acreage, cultivar selection methods, planting practices, and pest control measures. The challenges faced by potato farmers in the region are also discussed, including issues related to fertilization, labor, pests, and market conditions. Additionally, the document outlines the research priorities identified by potato farmers, focusing on soil analysis, weather data accessibility, and irrigation management. It emphasizes the importance of research and innovation for the sector's future growth. Lastly, the document explores communication preferences among potato farmers, highlighting their preference for email and annual conferences as effective means of information exchange.
Oct 23, 2023 SPES-522NP
VCE Ag Today - Soybean Arthropod Pest Management Apr 9, 2021 VCE-1027-17NP
VCE Ag Today: Row Crop Insect and Disease Update Apr 1, 2021 VCE-1027-35
Pesticide Applicator Manuals Dec 17, 2021 VTTP-2
Virginia Tech Pesticide Programs May 11, 2009 vtpp-1