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Resources for Weeds

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Prevention and Control of Palmer Amaranth in Cotton
Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri), a member of the "pigweed" family, is one of the most troublesome weeds in many southern row crops. Seed can germinate all season and plants can grow to over 6 feet in height. Plants have either male flowers that shed pollen or female flowers that can produce up to 600,000 seed per plant. One Palmer amaranth per 30 foot of row can reduce cotton yield by 6 to 12%.
Sep 22, 2020 2805-1001 (SPES-266NP)
Prevention and Control of Palmer Amaranth in Cotton
Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri), a member of the "pigweed" family, is one of the most troublesome weeds in many southern row crops. Seed can germinate all season and plants can grow to over 6 feet in height. Plants have either male flowers that shed pollen or female flowers that can produce up to 600,000 seed per plant. One Palmer amaranth per 30 foot of row can reduce cotton yield by 6 to 12%.
Sep 22, 2020 2805-1001 (SPES-266NP)
Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) Control in Soybeans Mar 20, 2020 2808-1006 (SPES-194NP)
Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) Control in Soybeans Mar 20, 2020 2808-1006 (SPES-194NP)
The Nutritive Value of Common Pasture Weeds and Their Relation to Livestock Nutrient Requirements Aug 6, 2009 418-150
Exotic Invasive Plants
Invasive exotic species are plants that are not native to a given area and have the ability to out-compete indigenous plant species. Invasive exotics are often brought into their non-native surroundings by humans with good intentions.
Apr 29, 2020 420-320 (CNRE-105NP)
Successful No-Tillage Corn Production
No-tillage corn production has been practiced in Virginia for more than 35 years (Jones et al. 1968), yet many producers have not used no-tillage to its maximum advantage. This publication addresses where no-tillage corn can and should be adopted, and where no-tillage production needs to be modified to reduce production problems associated with continuous use.
Aug 7, 2024 424-030
Successful No-Tillage Corn Production Mar 20, 2019 424-030
Poison Ivy: Leaves of three? Let it be! Jun 26, 2023 426-109 (SPES-510P)
Weeds in the Home Vegetable Garden Oct 25, 2023 426-364 (SPES-525P)
Control of Common Pasture and Hayfield Weeds in Virginia and West Virginia May 1, 2009 427-002
Lawn Moss: Friend or Foe?
Moss is a very simple plant that can out-compete turfgrasses under persistently shaded, moist, acidic soils. This publication details the management strategies that make turfgrass more competitive and the chemical management options that help reduce moss populations. This publication also discusses how to propagate and manage moss as part of a shade landscape when turfgrasses are not an option for a lawn.
Apr 18, 2024 430-536 (SPES-566P)
Identification and Control of Honeyvine Milkweed (Ampelamus albidus (Nutt.) Britt.) in Virginia
A perennial with slender, twining stems that may reach 10 feet in length.
May 1, 2009 450-139
Identification and Control of Hemp Dogbane (Apocynum cannabinum L.) in Virginia May 1, 2009 450-140
Identification and Control of Horsenettle (Solanum carolinense L.) in Virginia
A perennial from rhizomes with conspicuous spines on leaves and stems reaching 3 feet in height.
May 1, 2009 450-142
Identification and Control of Trumpetcreeper (Campsis radicans (L.) Seem ex Bureau) in Virginia
Perennial woody vine that may reach 40 feet or more in length.
May 1, 2009 450-143
Virginia Master Naturalist Basic Training Course: Botany Mar 22, 2023 ANR-10NP (CNRE-166NP)
Integrated Pest Management of Hemp in Virginia Mar 2, 2020 ENTO-349NP
Critical updates for the 2021 Mid-Atlantic Commercial Vegetable Recommendations Mar 10, 2021 ENTO-446NP
Weed Management in Small Fruit Crops
For small fruit growers, weed management is one of the greatest challenges they will face to successfully grow these crops. Factors such as climate, new weed species, weed species shifts, and years of agricultural activity have come together to select for weed species that are aggressive and persistent. Without management, weeds compete with crops for light, nutrients, and water, resulting in reduced vegetative growth of the crop plant, poor fruit quality and lower yield. Stressed crops are also more susceptible to disease and insect infestations, while excessive weed growth itself creates higher humidity in the crop foliage, enhancing disease spread and inviting unwanted insects. Weed management principles for the perennial small fruit crops are similar, with the exception of strawberries in the annual system. Grapes, brambles, blueberries and matted row strawberries are considered permanent plantings in which weed management must be addressed throughout the life of the planting. When compared to annual crops, perennial culture is a greater challenge, as weeds need to be managed through all seasons and perennial weed species increase in numbers and diversity. Understanding seasonal weed thresholds, and integrating cultural and chemical management becomes even more important in the year-round culture.
Aug 9, 2023 HORT-286NP (SPES-513NP)
Managing Troublesome Crop Weeds: Current Practices Jul 25, 2017 PPWS-101NP
Glyphosate Q & A Sheet Feb 8, 2019 SPES-113NP
Harvest Weed Seed Control May 6, 2019 SPES-135NP
Common Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) Control in Soybeans Jun 6, 2019 SPES-143NP
Using Cover Crops to Suppress Horseweed Sep 14, 2020 SPES-164P (SPES-202P)
Identification of Virginia’s Noxious Weeds May 17, 2023 SPES-244NP (SPES-502NP)
Driving Homeowners ‘Nuts’: Sedge in the Lawn Jul 23, 2021 SPES-344NP
Giant Hogweed: Identification and Control
This publication provides information on giant hogweed identification, including how to distinguish between look alike species, and what to do if you think you have found giant hogweed.
Jul 10, 2023 SPES-48NP (SPES-245NP)
Weed Management Planner - Before Planting Aug 2, 2023 SPES-268NP (SPES-506NP-A)
Weed Management Planner - After Planting Feb 13, 2024 SPES-268NP (SPES-570NP-B)
Control of Common Grassy Weeds in Pastures and Hayfields
This publication reviews options for controlling common grassy weeds in grass forages including chemical and cultural management options. Specific weeds are discussed in detail including johnsongrass, Japanese stiltgrass, broomsedge, and foxtail species.
Jan 17, 2024 SPES-58P (SPES-563P)
VCE Ag Today: Hot Topics in Weed Management Mar 25, 2021 VCE-1027-7NP
Pesticide Applicator Manuals Dec 17, 2021 VTTP-2