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Title Available As Summary Date ID Author
Families Taking Charge: Dealing with Unemployment Apr 2, 2020 2811-7015
Families Taking Charge: Dealing with Unemployment Apr 2, 2020 2811-7015
Families Taking Charge: Dealing with the Stress Apr 2, 2020 2811-7016
Families Taking Charge: Dealing with the Stress Apr 2, 2020 2811-7016
Pocket Spending Guide
For many people, the temptation to overspend is hardest to resist when they are out at a store or restaurant. Because their spending and savings plan (budget) is at home in a drawer, the information they need to make a good spending decision isn’t available. One way to help yourself stick to your plan is to keep your information in your pocket, wallet or purse. The example below shows how to set up a pocket spending guide. By filling it out and keeping it with you, you can easily see at any time how much money you have available to spend in each category. A pocket spending guide will help you adjust your spending plan to make your money go where you really want it to go.
Sep 8, 2020 2901-7018 (AAEC-229NP)
Getting Out of Debt Aug 19, 2020 354-027 (AAEC-225P)
Emergencies: Are You Prepared? Your Personal Checklist of Important Documents May 1, 2009 354-141
Life Insurance: Universal-Life Insurance May 1, 2009 354-146
Cutting Costs May 1, 2009 354-155
The Effect of Landscape Plants on Perceived Home Value
The value of an attractive landscape to a home’s perceived value has often been stated at 15 percent. Is this figure reliable, and what landscape features do contribute to the value of a home? How does a landscape contractor convince his/her client to spend a significant portion of a home’s construction budget on landscaping, and is this a wise investment? How can a homeowner feel justified by spending thousands of dollars to landscape a newly constructed house? Or, will thousands of dollars worth of landscaping, significantly increase the “curb appeal” of a home for sale? To answer these questions, researchers conducted a seven-state survey of attendees at consumer home and garden shows to determine consumer perspective on how plant size, type, and design sophistication in a landscape affect the perceived value of a home (Behe et al., 2005).
Nov 6, 2023 426-087
Family and Consumer Sciences
The family is the cornerstone of a healthy community. Virginia Cooperative Extension strives to improve the well-being of Virginia families through programs that help put researchbased knowledge to work in people’s lives. Family and Consumer Sciences educators help Virginians learn to make good choices for themselves and their families. This, in turn, strengthens their communities and the state.
Jan 11, 2021 490-050 (FCS-98NP)
Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act Sep 20, 2018 AAEC-162NP
Your Financial Health – Interpreting Statements & Using Ratios
Where do you stand financially? Have your finances improved since last year? How much money did you spend last year, and on what? Are you using too much credit? If you have trouble answering these questions, you need to organize your records and measure your financial health.
Jun 21, 2024 AAEC-184NP
Your Financial Health – Cash Flow Statements
Where do you stand financially? Have your finances improved since last year? How much money did you spend last year, and on what? Are you using too much credit? If you have trouble answering these questions, you need to organize your records and measure your financial health. Tracking your financial health is as important to your well-being as taking care of your physical health. As part of the Your Financial Health series, this publication will help you interpret your Balance Sheets and Cash Flow Statements and utilize several financial management ratios that will help you understand and assess the state of your financial health. For a review of balance sheets and cash flow statements, see VCE publications Your Financial Health – Balance Sheets and Your Financial Health – Cash Flow Statements.
Jun 21, 2024 AAEC-185NP
Your Financial Health – Balance Sheets
Where do you stand financially? Have your finances improved since last year? How much money did you spend last year, and on what? Are you using too much credit? If you have trouble answering these questions, you need to organize your records and measure your financial health.
Jun 21, 2024 AAEC-186NP
How to Make Your Money Go Further Apr 22, 2020 AAEC-216P
Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES) Tax Rebates
The federal government has enacted several stimulus bills in an effort to help offset some of the negative financial effects many households are facing due to the Covid-19 virus. The purpose of this publication is to help consumers understand how the CARES Act tax rebate will affect them. Before getting into the CARES Act, it is important to note changes in the Federal Income Tax filing and payment date.
Apr 22, 2020 AAEC-219NP
Ley de Ayuda, Alivio y Seguridad Económica por Coronavirus (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES) Tax Rebates) May 27, 2020 AAEC-223NP
Cómo hacer que su dinero rinda más (How to Make Your Money Go Further) Jun 5, 2020 AAEC-224P
The American Rescue Plan: Farms, Food, and Families Dec 22, 2021 AAEC-293NP
2022 NASS Cropland and Pastureland Rental Rates Feb 22, 2023 AAEC-290NP (AAEC-317NP)
Balancing Life: Family Finances During COVID-19 Jun 3, 2020 ALCE-207NP
Balancing Life: An Update on Family Finances During COVID-19
This video is for adults managing their finances and interested in learning more about COVID-19 related issues regarding financial matters, including mortgages, student loans, and more.
Nov 11, 2020 ALCE-228NP
Toolkit of Behavioral Change Facilitation Skills May 16, 2019 HNFE-811P
Buzz, Body, & Bites - January 2023 Jan 1, 2023 HNFE-1084NP
Buzz, Body & Bites February 2023
This issue of the Buzz, Body, & Bites newsletter provides practical guidance on financial management. It also includes a great soup recipe, and recommendations for how to get physical activity.
Feb 1, 2023 HNFE-1085NP
Buzz, Body & Bites March 2023
This issue of Buzz, Body, & Bites aligns with the National Nutrition Month theme of "Fueling ourselves for the Future". The issue discusses ways to consume healthy foods in a sustainable way.
Mar 1, 2023 HNFE-1086NP
Buzz, Body & Bites April 2023
This issue of the Buzz, Body, & Bites newsletter provides information about gardening, and the benefits to health and quality of life. It also includes a recipe for parmesan asparagus, which is an early vegetable.
Apr 1, 2023 HNFE-1087NP
Buzz, Body & Bites May 2023
This issue of the Buzz, Body, & Bites newsletter discusses how to eat more locally grown foods, and the benefits to your community.
May 1, 2023 HNFE-1088NP
Buzz, Body, and Bites - June 2023 Feb 23, 2024 HNFE-1102NP
Buzz, Body, and Bites - June 2023 Feb 23, 2024 HNFE-1102NP
Buzz, Body, and Bites - July 2023 Feb 23, 2024 HNFE-1103NP
Buzz, Body, and Bites - July 2023 Feb 23, 2024 hnfe-1103NP
Septic Systems: What to Ask When Buying a House
This publication is intended to let house buyers (and realtors) understand what questions they should be asking regarding septic systems when looking for and buying a house. The publication covers the basics of how septic systems operate, both in the septic tank and the drainlines. Questions addressed include: if the house is on the public sewer network or a septic system; what type of system is installed; what regulations must be followed to maintain the system; when the last time the system was pumped or inspected; has there been renovations to the property that would alter the septic system required, and if changes to reflect this have been made; has there been any previous failures with the system, or are there current visible failures to be seen; and does the property have a reserve field.
Jan 4, 2024 SPES-575NP
What to Know About Septic Systems When Building a House
This publication is intended to give those making initial plans about building a house an idea of what must be considered in regards to their septic system. The publication covers the basics of how septic systems operate, both in the septic tank and the drainlines. It also provides information about soil evaluations, including who can evaluate the soil and reasons that the soil must be evaluated. The publication includes information on how much space both the septic tank and the full septic system will take up. Finally, the publication discusses set-back distances that are required for the septic system, the home and various other features that may be found on the property.
Jan 31, 2024 SPES-580NP