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Common Ticks of Virginia Jan 30, 2022 2906-1396 (ENTO-487NP)
Baldfaced Hornet
The baldfaced hornet is a large, black and white hornet up to 1 inch (25.4mm) in length. It is black and white in color with a mostly white head or face. It is widely distributed in Virginia. The nests are constructed of the same paper-like material as that of other wasps (yellowjackets). They differ a great deal from other wasp nests in being enclosed in a thick "paper" envelope. There is a single opening at the lower end of the nest and a few hornets always guard this. Nests are always abandoned at the end of the season. Hymenoptera, Vespidae: Dolichovespula maculata (L.)
Mar 6, 2020 3006-1449 (ENTO-352NP)
Drugstore and Cigarette Beetles Jan 30, 2022 3101-1526 (ENTO-488NP)
Earwigs in Virginia Jan 12, 2022 3101-1527 (ENTO-489NP)
Locust Leafminer Nov 22, 2022 3101-1528 (ENTO-529NP)
Flour and Grain Beetles Jan 12, 2022 3101-1577 (ENTO-469NP)
Carpenter Ants
Carpenter ants can be found outside on trees and sidewalks and indoor. Where they are found determines how best to control them. Inside they can be active indoors during many months of the year, usually during the spring and summer. When ants are active in the house during late winter/early spring (February/March), the infestation (nest) is probably within the household. In late spring large numbers of foraging ants may come in from outside looking for food and may not indicate and infestation. Outside carpenter ants become active in late spring and early summer and will be seen on tree trunks and sidewalks.
Jan 20, 2022 3104-1573 (ENTO-485NP)
Clothes Moths Dec 21, 2021 3104-1576 (ENTO-471NP)
Flour and Grain Beetles Dec 21, 2021 3104-1577 (ENTO-469NP)
Indian Meal Moth Dec 21, 2021 3104-1582 (ENTO-482NP)
Wolf Spiders and Nursery Web Spiders Dec 22, 2021 3104-1586 (ENTO-475NP)
Carpet Beetles Jan 30, 2022 3104-1588 (ENTO-486NP)
Giant Resin Bee
Size: about 0.75 inch (1.9 cm) Color: Black and yellow-brown Giant resin bees are large with a cylindrical body and large jaws. They have a dark head and abdomen with yellow-brown hair on the face, thorax, and the first segment of the abdomen behind the "waist." The wings are a transparent brown color that darkens toward the tips. Male giant resin bees have a truncated, squared abdomen while the females have a more tapered, pointed abdomen. Giant resin bees can be distinguished from bumblebees and carpenter bees by their cylindrical bodies and the appearance of their abdomens. Giant resin bees do not have hairy abdomens like bumblebees, nor are their abdomens shiny like carpenter bees. Hymenoptera: Megachilidae Megachile sculpturalis Smith.
Mar 19, 2020 444-206 (ENTO-358NP)
Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle in Virginia
Multicolored Asian Lady beetles enter the house through small openings around windows, doors, and utility access points. In addition, they can enter the house by cracks in the siding and trim and through attic vents. Sealing those entry sites is the best method to keep them from becoming indoor pests later. Conduct a thorough energy audit of your house, as places where cold air can enter the house are places where this lady beetle can gain access. Fill all cracks and leaks with a fine quality silicone or silicone-latex caulk. Once inside, insecticides are not recommended except for severe cases. Sweep up with a broom and dustpan all beetles that collect in windowsills and on walls. Beetles can also be picked up with a vacuum cleaner but bags will need to be discarded so that beetles do not escape.
Mar 17, 2020 444-275 (ENTO-361NP)
Red Imported Fire Ant (RIFA) Dec 9, 2019 444-284 (ENTO-342P)
Stink Bugs Sep 16, 2022 444-621 (ENTO-517NP)
Wax Scale
Plants Attacked: Wax scale has well over 50 hosts, especially Japanese and Chinese hollies, pyracantha, spirea, ivy, hemlock, euonymus, and boxwood; Description of Damage: Infestations seldom kill plants directly, but seriously weaken them, reduce growth, and cause decline. Deposits of honeydew give rise to rampant growth of the black sooty mold fungus, particularly on burford and Chinese holly.
May 6, 2020 444-622 (ENTO-376NP)
Magnolia Soft Scale
Heavy magnolia soft scale infestations cause stunting of twigs and undersize leaves, visibly weakening the trees. Small trees may be killed. Large trees lose branches and tree shape may become irregular.
Mar 31, 2020 444-623 (ENTO-360NP)
Twobanded Japanese Weevil
The Japanese weevil has a long list of hosts, but is especially found on cherry laurel, broad-leaved evergreens, pyracantha, privet, barberry, euonymus, and many others. This weevil has also damaged vegetable and field crops in Virginia.
Mar 16, 2020 444-624 (ENTO-362NP)
Dogwood Twig Borer
The larvae tunnel in live twigs and feed down the center of the branch, making a long series of closely placed round holes for the exudation of frass. Periodically, the larvae cut off portions of the twig from within and continue to feed inside the twig on the green wood working their way down.
Mar 6, 2020 444-625 (ENTO-355NP)
Cluster Fly
Adult cluster flies are medium-sized, robust, somewhat bristly flies about 7 mm (0.3 inches) long.
Feb 2, 2021 ENTO-136NP (ENTO-410NP)
Buck Moth Jan 11, 2023 ENTO-18NP (ENTO-536NP)
Spotted Lanternfly
The spotted lanternfly (SLF) originates from China where its presence has been documented in detail dating as far back as the 12th century. In modern times, it was first recorded from a sample collected in Nankin, China. SLF is native to China, India, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam. In September 2014, the first detection of spotted lanternfly in the US was confirmed in eastern Pennsylvania. SLF was first found in Virginia in 2018, and is continuing its spread in our state. The geographical range is likely to expand further. It is highly invasive and can spread rapidly when introduced to new areas. This is attributed to its wide host range (more than 70 host plant species) and a lack of natural native enemies. This insect will become a pest in vineyards and fruit plantings, in residential areas, and in logging systems.
Aug 17, 2022 ENTO-180NP (ENTO-515NP)
Mosquitos and their Control
The key to controlling mosquitoes is removing the standing or stagnant water where they live.
Dec 21, 2021 ENTO-202NP (ENTO-470NP)
Ground Beetles Nov 22, 2022 ENTO-530NP
Pest Alert: Spotted Lanternfly Identification and Reporting in Virginia Jul 7, 2022 ENTO-265NP (ENTO-513NP)
Possible Spotted Lanternfly Egg Mass Look-alikes in Virginia Mar 1, 2023 ENTO-276NP (ENTO-547NP)
Possible Spotted Lanternfly Immature Look-alikes in Virginia Mar 2, 2023 ENTO-277NP (ENTO-546NP)
Possible Spotted Lanternfly Adult Look-alikes in Virginia Mar 2, 2023 ENTO-278NP (ENTO-545NP)
Asian Longhorned Tick May 26, 2023 ENTO-282NP (ENTO-560NP)
Darkling Beetles and Mealworms Mar 3, 2023 ENTO-283NP (ENTO-548NP)
Bed Bugs: How to Protect Yourself and Your Home Feb 7, 2024 ENTO-31NP (ENTO-298NP)
What Virginians Need to Know About the 2022 Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine Expansion Jul 7, 2022 ENTO-319NP (ENTO-512NP)
Residential Control for Spotted Lanternfly (SLF) in Virginia Aug 9, 2019 ENTO-322NP
Control de la Mosca Linterna con Manchas (Spotted Lanternfly- SLF) en Hogares de Virginia (Residential Control for Spotted Lanternfly in Virginia) Aug 29, 2019 ENTO-322S
Best Management Practices for Spotted Lanternfly on Christmas Tree Farms Feb 15, 2021 ENTO-402NP
Insect and Mite Pests of Boxwood
Three pests, the boxwood leafminer, mite and psyllid commonly attack American and English boxwood in Virginia and cause spotting, yellowing, and puckering of leaves.
Apr 3, 2019 ENTO-42NP (ENTO-314NP)
Millipedes Apr 10, 2019 ENTO-43NP (ENTO-317NP)
Gloomy Scale
Description of Damage: The bark becomes roughened and encrusted with scales. Branches and limbs die back and result in a rapid decline in tree vigor, occasionally resulting in the death of trees. Seriously weakened trees are common in Virginia as a result of scale populations, especially red and silver maples.
Apr 29, 2019 ENTO-44NP (ENTO-318NP)
Insect Identification Lab
Welcome to the Insect Identification Laboratory at Virginia Tech. The Insect Identification Lab covers all insects found in all situations and commodities in Virginia. This diagnostic lab started in 1967 and is a service for Extension Agents and Citizens of Virginia.
Apr 30, 2019 ENTO-45NP
Pavement Ant Dec 21, 2021 ENTO-467NP
Boxelder Bug Dec 21, 2021 ENTO-468NP
Ladybird Beetles in Houses and Buildings Dec 21, 2021 ENTO-472NP
Avoiding Fire Ant Stings Dec 22, 2021 ENTO-481NP
This is a factsheet on yellowjackets in Virginia.
Apr 10, 2019 ENTO-49NP (ENTO-316NP)
Mexican Bean Beetle
Mexican Bean Beetle (MBB), Epilachna varivestis Mulsant (Fig. 1), is an herbivorous lady beetle (Coccinellidae) that feeds on bean crops (legumes) in North America. It is similar to the squash lady beetle, Epilachna borealis, which feeds primarily on cucurbits. MBB can cause significant defoliation damage to various bean crops particularly in the genus Phaseolus (snap beans, lima beans, pole beans, etc.). It will also feed on soybean, alfalfa, beggarweed, kudzu, and other legumes.
Dec 13, 2013 ENTO-51NP
Improving Pest Management and Pollination with Farmscaping
Farmscaping is a holistic ecologically-based approach to pest management that emphasizes the arrangement or configuration of plants that promote biological pest management by attracting and sustaining beneficial organisms. Ideal farmscape plantings provide habitat for beneficial insects, suppress weeds, and grow in close proximity to the cash crop without competing for light, water and nutrients. Research has shown that maintaining high levels of species diversity is a key characteristic of a proper functioning agroecosystem. Unfortunately, intensive farming operations including growing large monocultures, regular cultivation, and excessive use of insecticides often leads to a dramatic reduction in arthropod diversity, especially natural enemies that often keep many pest insects below damaging levels. Farmscaping is a technique designed to add diversity back to the system and minimize disturbance leading to increases in natural enemy populations by providing insectary plants as food and shelter resources.
Dec 6, 2013 ENTO-52NP (ENTO-325NP)
Soldier Beetles (Leatherwings)
This publication reviews the biology of cantharid beetles. Cantharids, known as soldier beetles or leatherwings, are commonly-encountered beetles throughout Virginia. Two species in the genus Chauliognathus are the most frequently observed; the margined leatherwing (Chauliognathus marginatus) is found during the spring and early summer, while the Pennsylvania leatherwing or goldenrod soldier beetle (Chauliognathus pensylvanicus) is active during the late summer and early fall. Both species visit a variety of wild and cultivated flowers, and they can be considered beneficial insects.
Aug 30, 2019 ENTO-53NP (ENTO-327NP)
Striped Cucumber Beetle
In Virginia, cucurbits are attacked by two native species of cucumber beetles, the striped cucumber beetle, A. vittatum, which is featured in this document, and the spotted cucumber beetle, Diabrotica decimpunctata howardi (Mannerheim), which is discussed in a separate fact sheet.
May 12, 2020 ENTO-61NP
Spiders of Medical Concern in Virginia
Several species of spiders found in Virginia have fearsome reputations for giving painful bites resulting in life-threating complications.
Feb 10, 2020 ENTO-73NP (ENTO-346NP)
Bed Bugs Biology and Behavior Mar 18, 2019 ENTO-8P
Larder Beetle Mar 6, 2023 ENTO-286NP (ENTO-549NP)
Cockroaches Found in Living Spaces Nov 22, 2022 ENTO-528NP
Bed Bug Action Plan for Dialysis Centers Mar 1, 2023 ENTO-542NP
Selecting a Pest Control Company May 19, 2023 ENTO-558NP
Bed Bug Action Plan for Home Healthcare and In-home Hospice Care Workers
This fact sheet is an action plan intended to educate and guide home care assistance workers and in-home hospice care workers in bed bug prevention when dealing with infested clients so that bed bugs are not spread to their homes, vehicles, offices, or other clients' homes.
Jun 21, 2023 ENTO-563NP
Bed Bug Heat Treatments – What you need to know! Feb 23, 2024 ENTO-583NP
Bed Bug Heat Treatments – What you need to know! Feb 23, 2024 ENTO-583NP
Homeowner Suggestions for Managing Spotted Lanternfly
Spotted lanternfly (SLF) arrived in Virginia in 2018 and continues to spread across the state. This invasive pest strongly prefers feeding on tree of heaven, Ailanthus altissima, but it also feeds on many other plants. SLF is a pest of grapes and can be a nuisance around residences.
Mar 7, 2024 ENTO-586NP
Pesticide Applicator Manuals Dec 17, 2021 VTTP-2