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Measuring Site Index
Site index (SI) is a measurement commonly used by foresters to describe the productivity of a site. Typically this measurement is used to describe sites growing well-stocked even-aged forests. Site index is the average height of the dominant1 and codominant2 trees on the site, at a given age (base age). Typically, the base age for hardwoods and white pine in Virginia is 50 years, while the base age for loblolly pine is 25 years. For example, a SI of 75, base age 50, means that the average height of the dominant and codominant trees on a site will be 75 feet when they are 50 years old (SI50=75). The higher the SI, the higher the site productivity (trees will grow faster than on a site with a lower SI).
Apr 30, 2020 2812-1028 (CNRE-96NP)
Measuring Site Index
Site index (SI) is a measurement commonly used by foresters to describe the productivity of a site. Typically this measurement is used to describe sites growing well-stocked even-aged forests. Site index is the average height of the dominant1 and codominant2 trees on the site, at a given age (base age). Typically, the base age for hardwoods and white pine in Virginia is 50 years, while the base age for loblolly pine is 25 years. For example, a SI of 75, base age 50, means that the average height of the dominant and codominant trees on a site will be 75 feet when they are 50 years old (SI50=75). The higher the SI, the higher the site productivity (trees will grow faster than on a site with a lower SI).
Apr 30, 2020 2812-1028 (CNRE-96NP)
Lean Thinking: Examples and Applications in the Wood Products Industry
Lean thinking is a process focused on increasing the value added to products and services and the reduction of waste. The term “lean,” coined by Womack during one of his visits to the Japanese carmaker Toyota in the early 1980s (Womack and Jones 2003), has become the universally accepted term for increasing value and reducing waste.
Nov 6, 2023 420-002 (CNRE-33P)
Pensamiento Lean: Ejemplos y Aplicaciones en la Industria de Productos de Madera (Lean Thinking: Examples and Applications in the Wood Products Industry) Nov 6, 2023 420-002S (CNRE-33S)
Design and Operation of a Solar-Heated Dry Kiln
Lumber is usually dried to a specific moisture content prior to further manufacturing or use. The amount of water in wood is usually expressed as moisture content and can be directly measured or calculated. The moisture content of wood is defined as the ratio of the weight of water in wood to the dry weight of the wood material. While lumber can be air-dried, the humidity in most localities prevents the lumber from reaching the moisture content required for the stability needed for interior use. A dry kiln is required to dry lumber to the necessary final moisture content and does so fairly rapidly. This publication discusses the design and operation of a solar-heated lumber dry kiln that is designed to be inexpensive to construct and simple to operate.
Dec 8, 2020 420-030 (ANR-121P)
Consider Logging Residue Needs for BMP Implementation When Harvesting Biomass for Energy
Utilization of woody biomass for energy has increased substantially in Virginia. While there are a number of definitions for biomass, woody biomass from forest harvesting operations typically refers to logging residues such as limbs, tops, and other unmerchantable material that would otherwise be left behind on-site after the logging operation is complete. Logging residues are typically chipped and then transported to facilities where they are used for fuel. Biomass harvesting in Virginia most commonly occurs on integrated harvesting operations where roundwood and biomass are harvested and utilized at the same time in a single operation.
Dec 13, 2019 ANR-108NP
Effectiveness of Temporary Stream Crossing Closure Techniques Forest Operations Research Highlights
Protection of water quality is a critical component of forest harvesting operations. Virginia’s silvicultural water quality law (§10.1-1181.1 through 10.1-1181.7) prohibits excessive sedimentation of streams as a result of silvicultural operations. Virginia’s logging businesses invest substantial resources implementing BMPs to protect water quality. The Virginia Department of Forestry (VDOF) is responsible for enforcing this law and inspects all logging operations to ensure protection of water quality.
Dec 13, 2019 ANR-110NP
All-Age Management, Demonstration Woodlot
Many forest owners value their forest for wildlife habitat, recreation, and aesthetics. Given accurate information, many want to manage their woodlot using sound silviculture but clear-cutting as a regeneration method may not be visually acceptable. While a profitable timber harvest is of interest, a visually pleasing residual stand may be more important. To meet this objective, Stand D1 of the SVAREC forests was selected to demonstrate All-Age Management using group selection silviculture and individual thinning of select trees to create four age classes.
Sep 12, 2019 ANR-132NP (CNRE-70NP)
Thinning Hardwoods, Demonstration Woodlot
Most forest owners value their forest for wildlife habitat, recreation and aesthetics. Given accurate information, they may manage their woodlot to achieve these and other goals using sound silviculture. Thinning over-stocked woodlots is one silvicultural management tool. Thinning can modify spacing and diversity of species to meet desired goals which may include timber, wildlife, aesthetics and more. Thinning also improves woodlot vigor by removing over-mature, suppressed, defective or weakened trees. To meet theses objective, Stand D2 was selected for a thinning research & demonstration site.
Sep 12, 2019 ANR-133NP (CNRE-69NP)
Business Management Practices for Small to Medium Sized Forest Products Firms
One of the most exciting and frightening choices an individual can make is to start a small business. Yet this entrepreneurial spirit is the backbone of our economy and the free enterprise system that drives many individuals to great success. From Henry Ford to Frederick Weyerhaeuser, individuals with a good idea can help shape a nation. This book is written to provide the information you will need to start your small forest products company. However, business planning is not what you really want to do.If you are like most entrepreneurs, you have a product or service in mind and want to sell it without a lot of formal planning in mind.
Nov 2, 2020 ANR-160P
New market idea: Selling woody materials from landscaping projects to craft industry Jun 30, 2021 ANR-215NP
The Virginia Tech –U.S. Forest ServiceJanuary 2017 Housing Commentary: Section I Apr 3, 2017 ANR-258NP
The Virginia Tech –U.S. Forest Service January 2017 Housing Commentary: Section II Apr 3, 2017 ANR-259NP
Regional Forest Harvest Characteristics across Virginia May 17, 2022 ANR-264NP
The Virginia Tech –U.S. Forest ServiceFebruary 2017 Housing Commentary: Section I Apr 28, 2017 ANR-265NP
The Virginia Tech –U.S. Forest ServiceFebruary 2017 Housing Commentary: Section II Apr 28, 2017 ANR-266NP
The Virginia Tech –U.S. Forest Service, March 2017 Housing Commentary: Section I May 23, 2017 ANR-269NP
Wood Identification for Species Native to Virginia
This publication provides information on how to identify the wood of several species common to Virginia using a hand-magnifying lens. It includes a wood identification key for some common Virginia species, a list of key species characteristics, and a list of companies that sell wood identification sample sets.
Oct 16, 2024 ANR-64P (CNRE-185P)
Lean at Hardwood Lumber Inc. Jun 27, 2022 ANR-226
The Virginia Tech – U.S. Forest Service September 2017 Housing Commentary: Section I Dec 13, 2017 CNRE-1NP
A Summary of Logging Business Responsibilities Related to Wage and Hour Rules and OSHA Regulations in Virginia Dec 21, 2021 CNRE-135NP
Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) panels Fact Sheet Feb 21, 2022 CNRE-143NP
The Virginia Tech – U.S. Forest Service October 2017 Housing Commentary: Section I Jan 4, 2018 CNRE-3NP
The Virginia Tech – U.S. Forest Service October 2017 Housing Commentary: Section II Jan 4, 2018 CNRE-4NP
Analysis of Financial Statements Using Ratios May 10, 2019 CNRE-43P
Glue-Laminated Timber May 9, 2022 CNRE-151NP
Structural Composite Lumber (SCL) May 9, 2022 CNRE-152NP
Paneles de Madera Cruzada (CLT) (Cross-Laminated Timber) May 9, 2022 CNRE-153NP
Madera Laminada Engomada (Glulam) (Glue-Laminated Timber) May 9, 2022 CNRE-154NP
Madera Estructural Compuesta (SCL) (Structural Composite Lumber (SCL)) May 9, 2022 CNRE-155NP
An Overview of Forest Carbon Credit Programs in Virginia
Woodland owners increasingly hear about opportunities to earn income by participating in emerging forest carbon markets. This publication provides an overview of these markets and introduces the carbon credit programs operating in Virginia. This information is intended to help Virginia’s woodland owners decide if taking part in a forest carbon credit program is a good fit for their management objectives.
Apr 10, 2024 CNRE-177P