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4-H Fashion Revue Policies and Procedures
The purpose of the Fashion Revue Policies and Procedures Manual is to help you understand the process, objectives, and categories that are specific to 4-H Fashion Revue.
Feb 3, 2021 346-146(4H-476NP)
4-H Fashion Revue Consumer Comparison Worksheet
Consumer Comparison is the consideration of two things with regard to some characteristics common to both, i.e. cost of garment, quality of construction, and care instructions. Using your Fashion Revue garment (constructed or selected), please make two comparisons with other similar garments. Check the garment that is your “best buy” choice.
Feb 3, 2021 346-148(4H-475NP)
4-H Fashion Revue Commentary Worksheet
This worksheet may be used to help write your commentary that will be read as you model before the judges. This worksheet does not have to be submitted with your written commentary for state competition.
Feb 1, 2021 346-149(4H-474NP)
4-H Fashion Revue Score Sheet Feb 3, 2021 346-150(4H-473NP)
4-H Extemporaneous Speaking Score Sheet Mar 25, 2022 380-024 (4H-259NP)
Judging Scorecard Oct 8, 2021 380-100 (4H-974NP)
Express Yourself! Public Speaking and Presentations
Public speaking is an important skill that is basic to good citizenship. Your ability to communicate effectively throughout your life will be reflected in your home, your work, and even in your community. A speech or presentation gives you the opportunity to share your ideas and knowledge with other people. In a speech you are sharing your ideas or opinions, whereas, in a presentation you are telling how to do something or how something works. 4‑H members usually use visual aids with a presentation. Your ideas and knowledge are important and should be shared to help other people learn. A speech, however, is made up of the speaker, speech, and audience and uses no props or visuals. This 4‑H publication will help you develop a speech or presentation in a step‑by‑step process.
Mar 3, 2022 388-028 (4H-833NP)
Exprésese! Presentaciones y Hablar en Público (Express Yourself! Public Speaking and Presentations) Mar 16, 2022 388-028 (4H-833S)
4-H Presentations
A guide to 4-H presentations.
Mar 10, 2022 388-056 (4H-834NP)
4-H Presentations Jan 17, 2019 388-056 (4H-834NP)
4-H Presentations Tip Sheet Feb 1, 2021 388-061(4H-419NP)
4-H Presentations Scoring Aid Feb 3, 2021 388-062 (4H-717NP)
Information for Scoring 4-H Share-the-Fun Acts
Our primary objectives in the Share-the-Fun program are to encourage 4-H members to: 1) discover and develop their talents and 2) to develop confidence in self and performing before others. This score sheet is designed to have judges evaluate 4-H members’ performances, give members feedback to assist with their continuous development, and assist in the selection of acts that can be used in an exciting, entertaining variety show.
Jun 18, 2020 388-064(4H-423NP)
4-H Public Speaking Score Sheet Feb 3, 2021 388-066 (4H-399NP)
Express Yourself! Public Speaking and Presentations Jun 27, 2013 388-028 (4H-160NP)
4-H Photography Contest Score Sheet Jun 5, 2014 4H-292NP
General Horse Information Agents Need To Know Apr 20, 2020 4H-308 (4H-887NP)
Virginia 4-H Contest Guide - Chicken Barbecue Apr 7, 2021 4H-35NP (4H-425NP)
Science Display and Demonstration Sep 28, 2021 4H-37NP
Science Display & Demonstration Jun 13, 2012 4H-37NP
State 4-H Areas Of Competition Mar 7, 2017 4H-415NP (4H-739)
Virginia 4-H Contest Guide - Presentations Feb 3, 2021 4H-420NP
Virginia 4-H Contest Guide - Public Speaking
Public Speaking challenges the contestants to develop and deliver a message that informs, influences or entertains an intended audience. They will plan and deliver a speech with an effective beginning, middle and conclusion. The audience, appropriate topic, purpose, research of supporting materials, and appropriate methods of delivery will be considered.
Feb 3, 2021 4H-421NP
Virginia 4-H Contest Guide-Share-the-Fun Feb 3, 2021 4H-424NP
Virginia 4-H Contest Guide - Turkey Barbecue Feb 3, 2021 4H-426NP
Virginia 4-H Contest Guide - Radio/Public Address
The Radio and Public Address contests provide 4-H youth with an opportunity to express themselves clearly,organize their ideas and have confidence. By competing in this contest, youth learn valuable life skills in effective communication that they will use throughout their lifetime.
Feb 3, 2021 4H-427NP
Virginia 4-H Contest Guide - Science Fair Presentation & Display
The Science Fair Presentation& Display Contest provides youth with the opportunity to communicate scientific experiment by using the scientific method.
Jun 18, 2020 4H-428NP
Virginia 4-H Contest Guide - Egg Preparation Demonstration Feb 3, 2021 4H-429NP
Virginia 4-H Contest Guide - Beef Ambassador Contest
The Beef Ambassador Contest provides the opportunity for youth to educate consumers about beef nutrition, food safety and stewardship practices of the beef industry. This program utilizes youth to tell the beef production story to consumers through promotion, education, media and the online environment.
Feb 3, 2021 4H-430NP
Virginia 4-H Contest Guide- Extemporaneous Speaking
Extemporaneous Speaking challenges contestants to think quickly and prepare a speech on an assigned topic with little preparation. Participants will draw three possible topics, choose one, prepare for 15-30 minutes, and then deliver a 2-5 minute speech response.
Feb 3, 2021 4H-471NP
Virginia 4-H Contest Guide- Fashion Revue
Fashion Revue is a contest that aims to increase youths’ knowledge of consumerism, textiles, and garment constructionwhile providing opportunities to express fashion trends and present themselves in an appropriate manner. Categories exist for purchased and constructed garments.
Feb 3, 2021 4H-477NP
4-H Livestock Judging Project Dec 6, 2022 4H-780
Virginia 4-H Contest Guide- Arc Welding Jun 29, 2021 4H-595NP
Table Setting Competition Guide Nov 21, 2022 4H-1006NP
Table Setting Contest Scoresheet
Kari Sponaugle,Associate Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development Kelly Mallory, Associate Extension Agent, 4-H Madison Coop Extension Service Kaci Daniel, Extension Agent, 4-H Youth DevelopmentKari Sponaugle,Associate Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development Kelly Mallory, Associate Extension Agent, 4-H Madison Coop Extension Service Kaci Daniel, Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development
Dec 5, 2022 4H-719NP (4H-766NP)
4-H Member Record Book Guide
This guide is to be used to help you in completing the following 4-H Member Record Books: • 4-H Member Record Book • Novice (4H-689NP) • 4-H Member Record Book • Experienced Junior (4H-690NP) •4-H Member Record Book • Experienced Senior (4H-691NP)
Feb 14, 2024 4H-844
Virginia 4-H Horse Project Measurement Card Mar 23, 2020 406-050 (4H -881NP)
Soil Judging in Virginia Dec 5, 2022 CSES-183