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Packinghouse Best Practices To Support the FSMA Produce Safety Rule



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Authored by Laura K. Strawn, Assistant Professor, Food Science and Technology, Virginia Tech; Laura Truitt, Graduate Student, Food Science and Technology, Virginia Tech; Tommy Saunders, Extension Associate, Food Science and Technology, Virginia Tech; Robert C. Williams, Associate Professor, Food Science and Technology, Virginia Tech; and Renee R. Boyer, Professor, Food Science and Technology, Virginia Tech

This publication is available in an enhanced digital version and PDF

The Food Safety Modernization act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule (PSR) covers packinghouse activities in several subparts of the regulation. These include subpart D - worker health and hygiene, subpart E - agricultural water, subpart K - growing, harvesting, packing, and holding activities, and subpart L - equipment, tools, buildings, and sanitation. Applying the practices required by the PSR to packing houses is an important element to ensure the safety of fruits and vegetables.

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Publication Date

July 19, 2019