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Food Safety Modernization Act Produce Safety Rule: Soil Amendments



Authors as Published

Laura K. Strawn, Assistant Professor, Food Science and Technology, Virginia Tech Laura Truitt, Graduate Student, Food Science and Technology, Virginia Tech Tommy Saunders, Extension Associate, Food Science and Technology, Virginia Tech Robert C. Williams, Associate Professor, Food Science and Technology, Virginia Tech Renee R. Boyer, Professor, Food Science and Technology, Virginia Tech

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The Produce Safety Rule (PSR) is one of the seven major food safety regulations that are authorized by the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). The PSR standards (subpart F) describe the minimum requirements for treated and untreated biological soil amendments of animal origin and human waste for reducing public health risk and the risk of contaminating covered produce. The PSR standards include requirements for determining if biological soil amendments of animal origin are treated or untreated and how to handle them. The standards also address the use of human waste, treatment of the biological soil amendments, application methods and intervals, and recordkeeping.

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Publication Date

July 17, 2019