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Resources by John Thompson

Title Available As Summary Date ID Author
4-H Animal Science Financial Record Keeping Lessons
This is the first in a series of six lessons that focus on 4-H livestock financial record keeping. It discusses the importance of matching your livestock project animal with your farm’s facilities. This activity will help members learn to set and achieve goals in their animal projects. The discussion about the factors to consider and the questions to ask themselves will help members answer the questions in the project planning section of the record book.
Feb 22, 2022 4H-540P
4-H Animal Science Financial Record Keeping Lessons
This is the first in a series of six lessons that focus on 4-H livestock financial record keeping. It discusses the importance of matching your livestock project animal with your farm’s facilities. This activity will help members learn to set and achieve goals in their animal projects. The discussion about the factors to consider and the questions to ask themselves will help members answer the questions in the project planning section of the record book.
Feb 22, 2022 4H-540P
Virginia Cooperative Extension Onboarding 2021 Survey Findings Dec 21, 2021 ALCE-278NP
New VCE Onboarding – Professional Development Survey Nov 9, 2022 ALCE-300NP