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Balancing Life: Healthy Eating During the Holidays



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Presenter: Katie Strong, Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent, Fairfax Country; Hosts: CrystalTyler-Mackey, Bethany Eigel, and the VCE Human Development Team.

This resource is available as a video only.

Being intentional and planning our spending is always a good idea. And now, the fall and winter holidays are upon us and the advertisements abound! How can we ensure that we spend wisely and still enjoy some of things we love about this time of year? From food and candy, to decorations, gifts and travel, there's no shortage of options for spending. Join to learn tips, tools and strategies to spend wisely and help avoid additional financial stressors, debts and regrets!

Presenter: Katie Strong, Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent, Fairfax  Country

Hosts: CrystalTyler-Mackey, Bethany Eigel and the VCE Human Development Team.  

For more videos in this series, visit Balancing Life


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Publication Date

April 19, 2022