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2020 Peanut Variety and Quality Evaluation Results. I. Agronomic and Grade Data



Authors as Published

Maria Balota, Jeffrey Dunne, Alexandre Brice Cazenave, Dan Anco, Wayne Nixon

SPES-302NP Due to suitability to the environmental conditions and existence of a strong peanut industry tailored to process primarily the large-seeded Virginia-type peanut, growers in Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina generally grow Virginia-type cultivars. In the view of a common interest in the Virginia-type peanut, the three states are working together through a multi-state project, the Peanut Variety Quality Evaluation (PVQE), to evaluate advanced breeding lines and commercial cultivars throughout their production regions. The objectives of this project are: 1) to determine yield, grade, quality, and disease response of commercial cultivars and advanced breeding lines at various locations in Virginia and the Carolinas, 2) develop a database for Virginia-type peanut to allow research-based selection of the best genotypes by growers, industry, and the breeding programs, and 3) to identify the most-suited peanut genotypes for various regions that can be developed into varieties. This report contains agronomic and grade data of the PVQE tests in 2020.


Archived Peanut Variety and Quality Evaluation Results can be accessed from:

8.5 x 11, 55 pages, DS, spiral bound, color pages 1, 3, 4, 11, 12, 17, 18, 25, 24#





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Publication Date

February 18, 2021