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How Is Pasteurization Used to Process Food?



Authors as Published

Nicole Arnold, Doctoral Student, Food Science and Technology, Virginia Tech; Lily Yang, Postdoctoral Researcher, Food Science and Technology, Virginia Tech; Renee Boyer, Professor, Food Science and Technology, Virginia Tech; and Tommy Saunders, Associate Extension Specialist, Food Science and Technology, Virginia Tech

This publication is available in an enhanced digital version and PDF.

Pasteurization is one of the most common food processing technologies used. It is typically used to process milk, but can also be used for many other foods including juices, eggs, cheese, butter and vinegar. This publication was created to provide simple, easy to understand science based information on what this technology is and how it can make foods safer. The goal is for the public to be more aware and accepting of various technologies that are used to make our food supply safe.

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Publication Date

July 22, 2019