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Virginia Corn Silage Hybrid Trials in 2022



Authors as Published

Joshua Mott, Research Associate, School of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Virginia Tech; Caleb Bishop, Research Specialist Senior, School of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Virginia Tech; W. Thomason, Former Extension Agronomist, Grains, School of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Virginia Tech

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This report contains the results for performance trials from commercial corn hybrids produced for silage at four locations in Virginia in 2022 as well as two average performance, when available. In order to avoid problems with comparisons over sites and years, multi-year yields are presented as a percentage of the total called relative yield at that particular site-year combination. All locations were planted with a Wintersteiger PlotKing 2600 planter and harvested with commercial silage equipment. Yields are presented on a dry matter and 35% dry matter basis for comparison. Quality analysis was performed using a Foss NIR XDS Rapid Content Analyzer. All hybrids entered in the Virginia trials were submitted for testing by commercial companies. The locations at which particular hybrids were entered were specified by the company. Companies entering hybrids were charged a fee for each hybrid per location to support the Virginia Corn Silage Performance Trials.

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Publication Date

December 16, 2022