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Pocket Spending Guide


2901-7018 (AAEC-229NP)

Authors as Published

Karen Lynn Poff, MPA, AFC®, Senior Extension Agent, Family and Consumer Sciences

This publication is available in a PDF file format only.

For many people, the temptation to overspend is hardest to resist when they are out at a store or restaurant. Because their spending and savings plan (budget) is at home in a drawer, the information they need to make a good spending decision isn’t available. One way to help yourself stick to your plan is to keep your information in your pocket, wallet or purse. The example below shows how to set up a pocket spending guide. By filling it out and keeping it with you, you can easily see at any time how much money you have available to spend in each category. A pocket spending guide will help you adjust your spending plan to make your money go where you really want it to go.

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Publication Date

September 8, 2020